By Singlesatlas, updated April 14th, 2020
In 1985 the amount of non-overweight young women compared to all the young men were the same in Canada and the United States. In 2015 this number has fallen in both countries, but significantly more in the United States.
Take a look at the map above. The colors indicate the amount of women aged 18-29 who were not overweight, relative to all men in that age group.
It shows that in 1985 the chances for a man of meeting a young woman who wasn't overweight were about the same in Canada and the United States.
There were an estimated 72 such women for every 100 men.
Things have changed since then.
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By Singlesatlas, updated April 13th, 2020
From cities to ZIP codes, discover your personal greenspots where lots of people according to your tastes reside, and competition is manageable.
A typical interest of single men is to find out where there is an abundance of lovely young women, without much male competition around. As a single man, odds are you will try to avoid sausage fests. Maybe you have a preference for, say women with higher education? Or Asian women? With the detailed area information given here, finding love should become, still not easy, but at least way less difficult.
Single women, they're much the same - enjoying the company of handsome hunks. And typically they aim to pair up with fit, educated men, relatively close in age. If you're a single lady, not unlikely you have a preference for men of a certain ethnicity. Hang on, the world just became easier to navigate for you as well.
The US Census Bureau last month released their most complete US population figures to date. And you can explore selected data from this and other sources, using the map designed especially for single people, here at Singlesatlas.com.
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By Singlesatlas, May 18th, 2016
Easily check how many girls compared to guys there are at American academic institutions.
If you are looking out for a place to study where romantic opportunities are above average, consider yourself lucky for finding this post. Take a couple of minutes to gather a bit of information here and act upon it. Your love life may benefit greatly.
One thing that can have a tremendous effect on your chances to meet, attract and maintain a lasting relationship with a fantastic girl or a fabulous guy during your student years is how the male to female ratio is among fellow scholars.
Quite a bit has been said and written about how the gender ratio at an educational facility affects whether there is likely to be predominantly a hookup culture or a culture leaning towards stable relationships on campus.
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By Singlesatlas, updated November 7, 2015
There has been a lot of attention recently given to the thought that current demographics are unfavorable for educated women.
Through times the tradition has been that women marry men who are educated at least as well as themselves.
The "educated man shortage" arose since nowadays way more women than men go through college in the Western world.
Author Jon Birger recently launched a book that deals with this phenomenon in detail. In Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game he presents demographics related theories on why people marry less than before.
Among college graduates in their twenties, for every four women, there are only three men, according to Birger's findings. He used data from the American Community Survey and other sources for his number crunching. The Singlesatlas website also facilitates data from that survey.
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By Singlesatlas, updated November 7, 2015
Dating is a numbers game on different levels. Who you can romantically connect with depends on the number of people you find attractive around you, how many magnetic qualities you can display in order to be interesting to those people, and the number of other choices for a partner those that you fancy have.
While the obesity levels around the world is on the rise, which body types people find attractive remain mostly the same. According to studies, people in general prefer a partner with a healthy body mass index, or BMI. The BMI is calculated using the weight and height of the body. Its purpose is to indicate if people have a weight that is healthy, given their height.
I will discuss the likelihood of finding a romantic partner within a suitable weight range for you, depending on which country you live in. Actual estimates for the number of men and women within different weight ranges are presented. Special focus is given to the situation in the United States.
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